Sunsplash bouquet
This bright arrangement comes arranged in a clear cube vase and includes lilies, roses, carnations, athos pomps, daisies, and greenery.
Summer Garden Bouquet
Spring and Summer meet! Iris, daisies, sunflowers, statice and greenery combine to create this fun, garden style arrangement.
Bright and Sweet Bouquet
This bubble bowl arrangement comes artfully designed with purple stock, yellow roses, green athos pomps, pink gerbera daisies, yellow field daisies, and greenery.
Dozen Short Stem Mixed Color Roses with Babies Breath
A dozen mixed color short stem roses come arranged in an 8" illusion vase with greens and babies breath.
Dozen Short Stem Red Roses with Babies Breath
A dozen short stem red roses come arranged in an 8" Illusion vase with greenery and babies breath.
fa-light fa-cake-candles*Birthday
Is it a loved one’s birthday? Send flowers in Pittsburgh to your loved one, so they can feel loved on their special day. At Gidas Flowers, we have various flowers, and we’ll be happy to help you find the right bouquet for their unique characteristics. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you set up flower delivery in Pittsburgh. If you have any questions, then don’t wait to reach out and ask a member of our team. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. We want to ensure your loved one has a great birthday with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.